4 Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Walk-in Cooler or Freezer Running Like New

What is a Walk-in Cooler?
July 20, 2016
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When it comes to your Walk-in Cooler or Freezer, you may not think about them much but they are critical to your business success.  A broken Walk-in box or an emergency repair can be costly to a business, not to mention the potential loss of foods or other perishables.

We here at Commercial Cooling want to make sure that you’re never in that situation, so here are 4 tips to keeping your box running like new.

  1. Keep up with regular cleaning patterns – Its important to constantly clean the inside of your Walk-in Box. Clean up any foods that have spilled on the floor to prevent freezing which could cause a hazard and cause someone to fall or slip inside the box. We recommend cleaning it everyday.
  2. Monitor your Walk-in Box temperature on a regular basis – Checking your boxes temperature regularly ensures that your box is running at optimal temperatures. Inconsistencies with the temperature could be a sign that something is not functioning properly and will help you detect the problem much quicker so that your food doesn’t spoil due to hotter or inefficient Walk-in temperatures.
  3. Check condensing unit for proper operation. – Make sure that you keep the area around your evaporators and condensing unit clear to ensure proper airflow. Clean outside the Walk-in box regularly to ensure debris do not accumulate around the walk-in.
  4. Inspect door seals. – Its important to check the door seals to ensure they are tightly sealed. If cold air escapes through the seals, it will make the box have to work harder to keep the temperature stable which could cause quicker wear and tear. Moreover, do not leave the door open for extended periods of time unless you have door curtains that will keep the cold air from escaping.

Little tips like this will go a long way towards extending the life of your Walk-in Box. Be sure to contact us for additional questions by clicking here. And don’t forget about our Hot Summer Deals we have going on right now!

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